This currently untitled cyberpunk game is a WIP third person shooter that I am making in Unity. Described as Akira meets The Binding of Issac. I am the sole creator and responsible for all aspects of development. It features procedurally generated levels that ensures a unique gaming experience every playthrough. All images are pre-alpha.

Level layouts are randomly generated by a simple algorithm that places rooms adjacent to one another based on specified rules. The algorithm chooses random rooms from a selection of user created "templates". Generated levels ensure there is a path from the starting room to the end room. Each level spawns a boss room at the furthest edge of the map and also strategically places special rooms such as treasure rooms and stores. Over 4 billion different level layouts means a unique experience every time the game is played!

Slow motion visualization of the level generation process:

Slow motion visualization of the level generation process.

A couple of gifs showing off a custom cel-shader with controls for ambient light, ramp, specular and rim lighting.

Turnaround of the main character showing off a custom cel-shader with controls for ambient light, ramp, specular and rim lighting.


Here's a 360 panoramic render of a mutant boss baby. Scroll around and take a look!

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